- Lineas y plantas enteras para la venta
- Sistemas de deshuesado
- Deboning lines
- Líneas de eviscerado
- Plantas de procesamiento enteras
- 8.000 birds per hour Meyn Meastro line complete plant
- Linco/Systemate 3000-6000 birds per hour, complete plant
- 500-3000 bph Tielemans 8" evisceration line
- 4000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new
- Meyn 3000BPH processing plant
- SOLD 6000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new SOLD
- SOLD 2000 - 4000 birds per hour processing line SOLD
- 6000 bph Linco EV equipment
- Máquinas de Ocasión
- Recibo
- Matanza
- Evisceracion
- Cortadora de cloacas
- Abridora de abdomen
- Eviscerador
- Procesamiento de menudillos
- Transportador de cinta para evisceracion con vacio
- Extractora de buche
- Quiebra cuello
- Linco Neck breaker
- Linco Neck Skin Slitter 8" 12units
- Stork Neck Breaker
- Meyn Neck Breaker 14 units cw
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units ccw
- Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer CW
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20u ccw
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units cw
- Meyn Neck Breaker/Slitter 20 units ccw
- Stork Neck Breaker 16 units third
- Stork Neck Breaker 6" 16 units ccw
- Systemate Neck Breaker 8" 12 units ccw
- Linco Neck breaker 8" 12 units ccw
- Arrancador de cuello
- Cortadora de piel de cuello
- Inspeccion final
- Marel/Stork Final Inspection Machine 2014
- Linco Combination neck breaker + final control machine
- Linco Neck breaker + combi final control 8" 12 units ccw
- Stork Final Control 16 units cw
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw second
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw third
- Systemate Final Control 8" 12 units ccw
- Lavadora de pollo
- Descolgador de pollo
- Semi-Automatic/Manual Poultry Processing Evisceration Tools
- Enfriamiento
- Pesaje / clasificacion
- Desprese
- Desprese Manual
- Desprese Automatico
- FULL Stork Cut-up system ACM-MX
- Stork Marel Compact Portioning machine C-5000A, 2017 model
- Systemate Automatic cut-up line
- Meyn Cut-up System 6000 birds per hour
- SOLD Stork ACM-MX Cut-up line - 6-8pc cuts
- Meyn basic Cut-up line
- SOLD Linco Basic cut-up line SOLD
- Strok Cut-up line M-5000
- **SOLD** Systemate Cut-up line 12pc **SOLD**
- SOLD Meyn/Systemate cut-up line SOLD
- SOLD Systemate/Numafa KFC Line SOLD
- Single modules
- Hand Saw by EFA
- Linco Back Strip Cutter
- Linco Leg Processor / Saddle Splitter
- Linco Neck Skin Slitter
- Linco Saddle Cutter
- Linco Vertical Halver
- Linco Wing Stretcher
- Meyn Back Piece Cutter
- Meyn Halving Machine
- Meyn Horizontal halver
- Meyn Saddle Separator/Spine Cutter
- Meyn Side Breast Cutter
- Meyn Vertical Halver
- Neck Skin Cutter
- Meyn Pre Cutter
- Stork various Cut-up modules
- Systemate De-skinner
- Systemate Leg Processor
- Systemate Saddle Cutter
- Systemate Second Wing Tipper
- Systemate Shank Cutter
- Systemate Wing Portioner
- Fileteo/Deshuese
- Fileteo/Deshuese manual
- Fileteo/Deshuese semiautomatico
- Fileteo/deshuese automatico
- Foodmate Maxima 1.0 Breast cap deboner
- Stork AMF-BX Breast Cap filleting machine 2010 - 2008 - fully recon in 2018
- Blackrow Fillet Aligner
- Meyn Rapid - SPARE PARTS
- Stork Halving Modul For Filleting Machine
- Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
- *SOLD* MEYN BC-40 Breast cap filleting machine *SOLD*
- Stork AFM-BX filleting machine
- Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
- Marel AMF-BX Breast cap deboning machine 2015
- Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
- sold---Meyn Rapid HQ Breast Deboner---sold
- Thielemann Tranchex T3000 Horizontal breast fillet slicer
- Marel Scanvaegt fillet stripper
- Thigh/Drum/Whole-Leg Deboning
- Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
- Dutch Poultry Tech Drum-sticks and Thigh Deboner
- FOODMATE OPTI LTD whole leg deboner (2017)
- Foodmate FM6.50 Drum-stick and thigh deboner
- Enbu Drumstic deboner
- Meyn Thigh Deboner
- SOLD Steen Thigh Deboner SOLD
- Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D40
- Systemate drumstic cutter
- Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
- Despielado
- Packing
- Limpieza y desinfeccion
- Transportador aereo
- Manejo de visceras
- Automatic Rehangers
- Procesamiento de carnes
- Bandas transportadoras
- Spiral Oven
- Hygiene systems
- Refrigeracion
- Procesamiento de Patos
- Procesamiento de pavos
- Stork Turkey Evisceration line 1500 - 3000 Turkeys/hour
- Systemate Turkey thigh deboning machine TTD-40
- Stork live turkey transportion modules
- SOLD Alberk Turkey processing plant 1250/h SOLD
- *SOLD* Meyn turkey processing line 600t 1000h *SOLD*
- SOLD Meyn Turkey Cone Deboning Line SOLD
- SOLD Foodmate turkey thigh deboner (Foodmate 8.50) SOLD
- Complete Rendering installation for sale
- Venda su equipo
- Various spare parts
Equipo de Procesamiento para Venta?
si usted tiene superavit o inventario redundante disponible tenga la amabilidad de informarnos con detalles como:
- Descripcion de la maquina,
- Marca / make (Stork, Meyn, Linco, Systemate, Bayle, Baader, EMF, Impianti, Cattarucci etc.)
Despues de recibir esta podemos contactarlo e informarle sus posibilidades.
Por favor contactese con: robert@use-poultry-tech.com o diligencie nuestro formulario de contactos
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