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Installations et lignes entières
Dispositifs de Désossage
Stork ACM-MX Cut-up line - 6-8pc cuts
SOLD KFC-Foodservice cut-up Line SOLD
SOLD Meyn/Systemate cut-up line SOLD
**SOLD** Systemate Cut-up line 12pc **SOLD**
Deboning lines
Lignes d'éviscération
Systemate Evisceration line, 6000 birds per hour on 8''
Stork Automatic Evisceration line 8000 birds per hour
3000bph Recon Linco Evisceration line
Usines entières
8.000 birds per hour Meyn Meastro line complete plant
Linco/Systemate 3000-6000 birds per hour, complete plant
500-3000 bph Tielemans 8" evisceration line
4000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new
Killing and plucking
Evisceration department
Chill department
Weighing & cut-up
Crate washing
Meyn 3000BPH processing plant
SOLD 6000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new SOLD
SOLD 2000 - 4000 birds per hour processing line SOLD
6000 bph Linco EV equipment
Machines D'occasion
Quai d'arrive
Stork Arrival system including crate handling and crates
Meyn Meat Crate washer
Anglia Auto-flow live-bird handling arrival system
Linco Crate Handling System
Linco Single Row Live Bird Crate Destacker
Abattage / Plumage
Linco stunning tank with Bayle electric panel
Linco Stunner
SOLD --- Meyn HF Quest Stunner 20223 --- SOLD
Stork stunner 620 cm
Halal rotary killing cones
Meyn Killer Single Blade
Stork Killer, Single Blade
Meyn Jacuzzi Scalding Tank
Upper epidermis scalder
Meyn Jacuzzi Scalder W - 550
Stork Scalder 1 pass
SOLD Linco Scalder | 3x3 | 2008 SOLD
Meyn plucker JM-64 fully reconditioned/-rebuild defeathering machine
Bayle plucking machine
Linco plucker / defeathering machine
Bayle PGT 2850
EMF Feet Plucker
Arrache tètes et trachées
Meyn Head and Windpipepuller 14 units ccw
Meyn Head & Windpipepuller 20 units ccw
Stork Head and trachea puller second
Stork Head Puller
Systemate Head and trachea puller
Coupe pattes, tarses et pieds
Systemate Hockcutter CW
Stork Feet Cutter
Décrocheur / Décroche pattes
Meyn Hock Unloader
Stork Whole Bird Unloader
Meyn hock Unloader (14 units)
Feet Deskinning Plant / lines
Linco Feet/Paw scalder Linco (never used)
Feet Deskinning Line
Feet / Paws water chiller Stork
Feet / Paws Water Chiller Cattaruzzi
chicken feet / hock plucking / trimming/cleaning / cooling set up
Blower 2,2 kW
Blower 3,0 kW
Blower 5,5 kW second
Blower 5,5 kW third
Coupe cloaque
Stork Vent cutter/Opening machine VOC-24 - 2001
Meyn Vent Cutter 20 units
Linco vent cutter 8 inch
Systemate Vent Cutter 6" 12 units ccw
Systemate Vent Cutter 8"-8 units ccw
*SOLD* Meyn Ventcutter 20u, Clockwise, 2007 *SOLD*
Fendeuse d'abdomen
Meyn Scissor Opener 16-units CCW
Meyn Opener, 14 units
Stork VO-16 Opening Machine 2007
Systemate Opener 6" 10 units ccw
Systemate Opener 16 units cw
Systemate Opener 8"-8 units cw
*SOLD* Meyn Scissor Opener 16U, Clockwise, 2007 *SOLD*
Meyn Maestro Eviscerator 28 units CCW
Marel Nuova Automatic Eviscerator 24u
Systemate Eviscerator 24u (Complete recon in new state)
Meyn Maestro 24U CCW 7000 bph
Meyn Maestro 24U 7000 bph
Meyn Eviscerator, 24 units
Systemate Eviscerator
Systemate Eviscerator 8" 18 units ccw
Traitement des abats et intestin
Meyn CD8000 Gizzard Harvester
SOLD Meyn Topic Giblet Harvester SOLD
Linco Gizzard Cleaning Table
Marel / Stork Automatic liver harvester 2012
Meyn Gizzard Harvester CD-8000
Meyn Gizzard Defattener
Meyn heart and lung separator
Gizzard deskinner
Stork gizzard/intestine separator
Stork Leg Processor
Convoyeur à bande par système d'aspiration
Belt with vacuum transport
Linco Cropper 8 inch 18u with hydraulic adjustment
Linco Cropper, 20 units
Linco Cropper, 24 units
Systemate Cropper 8'' 12u CCW
Meyn Cropper, 16 units
SOLD Stork Cropper 24 units SOLD
Craquese des cous
Linco Neck breaker
Linco Neck Skin Slitter 8" 12units
Stork Neck Breaker
Meyn Neck Breaker 14 units cw
Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units ccw
Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer CW
Meyn Neck Breaker 20u ccw
Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units cw
Meyn Neck Breaker/Slitter 20 units ccw
Stork Neck Breaker 16 units third
Stork Neck Breaker 6" 16 units ccw
Systemate Neck Breaker 8" 12 units ccw
Linco Neck breaker 8" 12 units ccw
Arrache cous
Meyn Neck Puller 14 units ccw
Meyn Neck Puller ccw
Egalisateur de peau du cous
Linco Neck Skin Trimmer 9 units ccw
Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer 14 units cw/ccw
sold Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer 14 units cw sold
Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer 14 units ccw second
EMF Neckskin cutter 9u
Contrôle final
Marel/Stork Final Inspection Machine 2014
Linco Combination neck breaker + final control machine
Linco Neck breaker + combi final control 8" 12 units ccw
Stork Final Control 16 units cw
Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw
Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw second
Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw third
Systemate Final Control 8" 12 units ccw
Laveuse interne-externe
Linco inside\outside bird washer 8inch
Linco In/Out birdwasher 8" 12units 2460K
Stork Inside/Outside Birdwasher 6 units cw
Stork Inside/Outside Bird Washer 16 units 20192
Meyn Inside/Outside Bird Washer 20u
EMF In/Out Bird washer 10 units
EMF inside/outside bird washer 9-units 8"
Semi-Automatic/Manual Poultry Processing Evisceration Tools
Gibbelt chiller 3500 x 490 mm YOB: 2004
Meyn Water Chiller 12m (2007) mint condition
Air Chilling
Meyn Air chilling line
Meyn Chill Line
Pennine clip-on air chill system
Pesage / Classification
Marel/Stork Batch Grader YOB 2014
Linco belt weigher - "Linco Flex 1000"
SOLD Marel Grader 2019, 16 drops SOLD
Moba whole bird weigher
Scanvaegt compact ScanSizer complete line
Marel Scanvaegt compact ScanSizer
Découpe manuel
AEW Band Saw
Blade Cutter second
Linco Needle Cutter
Meyn Saddle Cutter
SGO Band Saw
Semi Automatic Frozen Block Cutter
Découpe automatique
FULL Stork Cut-up system ACM-MX
Stork Marel Compact Portioning machine C-5000A, 2017 model
Systemate Automatic cut-up line
Meyn Cut-up System 6000 birds per hour
SOLD Stork ACM-MX Cut-up line - 6-8pc cuts
Meyn basic Cut-up line
SOLD Linco Basic cut-up line SOLD
Strok Cut-up line M-5000
**SOLD** Systemate Cut-up line 12pc **SOLD**
SOLD Meyn/Systemate cut-up line SOLD
SOLD Systemate/Numafa KFC Line SOLD
Single modules
Hand Saw by EFA
Linco Back Strip Cutter
Linco Leg Processor / Saddle Splitter
Linco Neck Skin Slitter
Linco Saddle Cutter
Linco Vertical Halver
Linco Wing Stretcher
Meyn Back Piece Cutter
Meyn Halving Machine
Meyn Horizontal halver
Meyn Saddle Separator/Spine Cutter
Meyn Side Breast Cutter
Meyn Vertical Halver
Neck Skin Cutter
Meyn Pre Cutter
Stork various Cut-up modules
Systemate De-skinner
Systemate Leg Processor
Systemate Saddle Cutter
Systemate Second Wing Tipper
Systemate Shank Cutter
Systemate Wing Portioner
Filetage / Désossage
Filleting table
Cone deboning line
Stork AMF Breast filleting machine
Rittal Flatter
Trimming Table
Foodmate Maxima 1.0 Breast cap deboner
Stork AMF-BX Breast Cap filleting machine 2010 - 2008 - fully recon in 2018
Blackrow Fillet Aligner
Meyn Rapid - SPARE PARTS
Stork Halving Modul For Filleting Machine
Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
*SOLD* MEYN BC-40 Breast cap filleting machine *SOLD*
Stork AFM-BX filleting machine
Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
Marel AMF-BX Breast cap deboning machine 2015
Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
sold---Meyn Rapid HQ Breast Deboner---sold
Thielemann Tranchex T3000 Horizontal breast fillet slicer
Marel Scanvaegt fillet stripper
Désosseuse des hauts de cuisse / pilons et cuisses
Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
Dutch Poultry Tech Drum-sticks and Thigh Deboner
FOODMATE OPTI LTD whole leg deboner (2017)
Foodmate FM6.50 Drum-stick and thigh deboner
Enbu Drumstic deboner
Meyn Thigh Deboner
SOLD Steen Thigh Deboner SOLD
Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
Systemate Thigh Deboner D40
Systemate drumstic cutter
Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
Peleuse de peau
Grasselli AB520 De-Skinner
SOLD ,Grasselli NX450AB De-skinner SOLD
Grasselli Deskinner
Grasselli Deskinner
Grasselli Deskinner C35-P
Meyn Deskinner
MOBA M16 birdbaggers
Lazy Suzy rotating table
Lavage et Nettoyage
Meyn Crate Washer, complete set-up
Meat Crate Washer
Ciroldi Pulivella Boots Cleaner
SOLD Crate washer meat crates SOLD
Convoyeur aérien
Line Tensioners
Entraineurs électriques
Traitement des dechets
Dry offal transport
Offal Blowpot
Dry Offal Blow Vessel
Feather press
Pompe à vide
Full Vacuum offal transportation installation
Offal tank 1250 liters
Stork cyclones CYC-60 type
Automatic Rehangers
Transfert automatique abattage - eviscération
Stork rehanger Kill - EV
Meyn Rehanger Kill - EV
Meyn Rehanger Kill - Ev 6"-6"
Stork Rehanger/Hockcutter Kill-EV
Stork Rehanger/Hockcutter Kill-EV second
Stork Rehanger Killing - Evisceration
Meyn Automatic rehanging machine Kill-Ev
4) Meyn Syncom Rehanger Kill - EV
Meyn rehanger/hock cutter 6”
Transfert automatique eviscération-ressuage
Meyn Rehanger EV - Chilling / Weighing
Meyn Rehanger EV-Chill
Stork Rehanger Ev-Chill
Meyn rehanger
Chilling to Weighing / Cut-up
Meyn Rehanger Ev-Chill second
Meyn Rehanger Chilling - Weighing
Meyn Rehanger Chilling - Cut-up
Produits élaborés
La transformation
Lift Scanio
Meat Crate Lift / Tilt Tipper
Enrobage / Panage
Arcall Batter
MDM / MRM / Hachoirs
AM2C MDM SM310 Mechanical Separator
Meyn Poss PDE 1500E MDM Machine
SOLD LIMA Separator type RM 350 S, 2018
Glaxo Mixer
Simo Grinder Set
Préparation de la viande
Cutters / Trancheurs
SOLD Slicer Grasselli SL400 set-up SOLD
Baader Cutter Slicer
Grote Slicer/Aplicator
Stephan Cutter
Wolfking Belam Injector
Townsend injector 1450
Brine Mixers
Scanio Brine Mixer
GEA ProMex Mixer -CMIX
Fomaco double tote-bin timblrer mixer
**SOLD** Stephan Mixer / Tumbler VM200 **SOLD**
SOLD MAJA FP 240-6 Slicing machine SOLD
Reiser Portioner GB200
Ground meat portioner
Vemag Robot 500
Vemag Robot HP15
Machines diverses
Manutation et Convoyeurs
Conveyor Assemble
Convoyeurs à rouleaux gravitaires
Convoyeur à bande
Conveyor 120x173
Conveyor 197x66
Conveyor 400x90
Conveyor 570x86
Conveyor 600x76
Wire Netting Conveyor
Conveyor 150x50
Conveyor 155x60
Conveyor 225x60
Stork conveyor
Spiral Oven
Hygiene systems
Carton freezer
Equipements canards
Equipements dindes
Stork Turkey Evisceration line 1500 - 3000 Turkeys/hour
Systemate Turkey thigh deboning machine TTD-40
Stork live turkey transportion modules
SOLD Alberk Turkey processing plant 1250/h SOLD
*SOLD* Meyn turkey processing line 600t 1000h *SOLD*
SOLD Meyn Turkey Cone Deboning Line SOLD
SOLD Foodmate turkey thigh deboner (Foodmate 8.50) SOLD
Complete Rendering installation for sale
Vendez vos machines
Various spare parts
MAJA FP 240-6 slicing machine
MAJA FP 240-6 slicing machine
Entire machine
Feeding door
Blade unit
Standard drive
Conveyor belts
Pressing unit
Control cabinets/PL
La transformation
MDM / MRM / Hachoirs
Préparation de la viande
Machines diverses