Capacity approx. 8.000 packages of giblets/hour
The machine positions the various giblets fully automatically. The gizzard, heart and liver are separated form the remaining intestines package at different places during the process. Topic stand for Total Giblet Process In Control.
For the giblet package consisting of:
1. Gizzard + by-gizzard
2. Liver + gall
3. Lungs
4. Heart
5. Intestines
6. Vent
1. Gizzard roller unit
1.1 Supply channel
2. Gizzard transport unit (transport chain)
3. Stripper
4. Heart catcher
5. Liver knife
6. Ejector plate
7. Intestine roller unit
8. Heart roller
9. Heart-lung separator
10. Heart-lung water separation tank
Length: 4000mm
Width: 700mm
Height: 2000mm
Nett weight: 1650 kg
Water pressure: 2-3 bar
Water consumption: 1,5 M3/hour
- Kompletne linie
- Systemy Trybowania
- Deboning lines
- Linii patroszenia
- Całe rośliny przetwarzania
- 8.000 birds per hour Meyn Meastro line complete plant
- Linco/Systemate 3000-6000 birds per hour, complete plant
- 500-3000 bph Tielemans 8" evisceration line
- 4000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new
- Meyn 3000BPH processing plant
- SOLD 6000 bph Systemate processing line, almost new SOLD
- SOLD 2000 - 4000 birds per hour processing line SOLD
- 6000 bph Linco EV equipment
- Used machines
- Przyjęcie drobiu
- Ubój / Skubanie
- Patroszenie
- Stekownica
- Otwieracz powłok brzusznych
- Patroszarka
- Podroby / Jelita
- Przenośnik taśmowy do patroszenia
- Wolownica
- Obcinacz szyjek
- Linco Neck breaker
- Linco Neck Skin Slitter 8" 12units
- Stork Neck Breaker
- Meyn Neck Breaker 14 units cw
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units ccw
- Meyn Neck Skin Trimmer CW
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20u ccw
- Meyn Neck Breaker 20 units cw
- Meyn Neck Breaker/Slitter 20 units ccw
- Stork Neck Breaker 16 units third
- Stork Neck Breaker 6" 16 units ccw
- Systemate Neck Breaker 8" 12 units ccw
- Linco Neck breaker 8" 12 units ccw
- Urywacz szyjek
- Skórowaczka szyjek
- Wyciągacz płuc
- Marel/Stork Final Inspection Machine 2014
- Linco Combination neck breaker + final control machine
- Linco Neck breaker + combi final control 8" 12 units ccw
- Stork Final Control 16 units cw
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw second
- Systemate Final Control 8" - 8 units ccw third
- Systemate Final Control 8" 12 units ccw
- Myjka drobiu
- Wyczepiacz
- Semi-Automatic/Manual Poultry Processing Evisceration Tools
- Chłodzenie
- Ważenie / Klasyfikacja
- Dzielenie
- Dzielarka ręczna
- Dzielarka drobiu automatyczna
- FULL Stork Cut-up system ACM-MX
- Stork Marel Compact Portioning machine C-5000A, 2017 model
- Systemate Automatic cut-up line
- Meyn Cut-up System 6000 birds per hour
- SOLD Stork ACM-MX Cut-up line - 6-8pc cuts
- Meyn basic Cut-up line
- SOLD Linco Basic cut-up line SOLD
- Strok Cut-up line M-5000
- **SOLD** Systemate Cut-up line 12pc **SOLD**
- SOLD Meyn/Systemate cut-up line SOLD
- SOLD Systemate/Numafa KFC Line SOLD
- Pojedyncze moduły
- Hand Saw by EFA
- Linco Back Strip Cutter
- Linco Leg Processor / Saddle Splitter
- Linco Neck Skin Slitter
- Linco Saddle Cutter
- Linco Vertical Halver
- Linco Wing Stretcher
- Meyn Back Piece Cutter
- Meyn Halving Machine
- Meyn Horizontal halver
- Meyn Saddle Separator/Spine Cutter
- Meyn Side Breast Cutter
- Meyn Vertical Halver
- Neck Skin Cutter
- Meyn Pre Cutter
- Stork various Cut-up modules
- Systemate De-skinner
- Systemate Leg Processor
- Systemate Saddle Cutter
- Systemate Second Wing Tipper
- Systemate Shank Cutter
- Systemate Wing Portioner
- Filetowanie / Odkostanianie
- Ręczne
- Półautomatyczne
- Automatyczne
- Foodmate Maxima 1.0 Breast cap deboner
- Stork AMF-BX Breast Cap filleting machine 2010 - 2008 - fully recon in 2018
- Blackrow Fillet Aligner
- Meyn Rapid - SPARE PARTS
- Stork Halving Modul For Filleting Machine
- Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
- *SOLD* MEYN BC-40 Breast cap filleting machine *SOLD*
- Stork AFM-BX filleting machine
- Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
- Marel AMF-BX Breast cap deboning machine 2015
- Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
- sold---Meyn Rapid HQ Breast Deboner---sold
- Thielemann Tranchex T3000 Horizontal breast fillet slicer
- Marel Scanvaegt fillet stripper
- Odkostnianie/pałka/udo/cała noga
- Meyn WLD M1.0 whole leg deboner
- Dutch Poultry Tech Drum-sticks and Thigh Deboner
- FOODMATE OPTI LTD whole leg deboner (2017)
- Foodmate FM6.50 Drum-stick and thigh deboner
- Enbu Drumstic deboner
- Meyn Thigh Deboner
- SOLD Steen Thigh Deboner SOLD
- Stork Whole Leg Deboning Line
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D-90
- Systemate Thigh Deboner D40
- Systemate drumstic cutter
- Wrightfield Spare-rib Cuter
- Skórowaczka
- Packing
- Urządzenia sanitarne
- Przenośnik podwieszony
- Do podrobów
- Automatic Rehangers
- Przetwórstwo mięsa
- Przenoszenie / Transport
- Spiral Oven
- Hygiene systems
- Chłodzenie
- Maszyny dla kaczek
- Maszyny dla indyków
- Stork Turkey Evisceration line 1500 - 3000 Turkeys/hour
- Systemate Turkey thigh deboning machine TTD-40
- Stork live turkey transportion modules
- SOLD Alberk Turkey processing plant 1250/h SOLD
- *SOLD* Meyn turkey processing line 600t 1000h *SOLD*
- SOLD Meyn Turkey Cone Deboning Line SOLD
- SOLD Foodmate turkey thigh deboner (Foodmate 8.50) SOLD
- Complete Rendering installation for sale
- Sprzedamy Twoje maszyny
- Various spare parts