DeLaval milking robot

DeLaval milking robot

  • De Laval Vacuum pump DVP (900F/1400F/2000F)
  • De Laval Voluntary milking system VMS 2010 (including milk sampler)
  • Atlas Copco SF4FF oil free air
  • Milk meter MM27/MM27BC
  • Online cell counter OCC
  • Smart gates 
  • 80L milk quick cooling tank
  • B-transponder, made of durable nylon with neck number plates for visual identification of animals
  • Vacuum regulator MVR 
  • 60 cows per machine 

Sold per computer

  • 4 Machines > 1 computer
  • 3 machines > 1 computer 
  • Up to 1000 ton of milk a year
  • Early warning mastitis detection
  • True quarter milking



Delaval milking robots


brand: Delaval
machine: Voluntary milking system VMS / Milk meter MM27
machine type: VMS / MM27